non profit's Godaddy website no longer works

Started by ineedhelp, August 21, 2012, 08:19:15 AM


Website has been up for years,, but no longer works. We are a nonprofit group who sued the FDA after they rejected Provenge approval, and we finally helped bring about approval of the first (of what we hope will be many approvals) of an immunotherapy for cancer (non invasive non toxic), against the cancer cartels wishes. godaddy said we need to upgrade our php. we had a volunteer who set up the site who is no longer available. we are still in action as we are trying to get the freedom of information documents from the fda that they have refused to turn over. if someone could help fix the error message we get when we go to the site, it would be very much appreciated. it's greek to me. rk


Taking a quick look, it may be enough to upgrade/update your WordPress installation. (Not sure if that helps you or not)
TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Thanks for the replay. You are correct. We called godaddy and they said we need to update the php. we have no idea how to begin to do that. the website was set up using wordpress.


I think what *might* have happened is:

* GoDaddy has updated their PHP installation.
* You are using an old WordPress installation not compatible with the updated PHP version.

You might want to check:

TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Sorry it took me so long to get back, but a lot has been going on in our lives, but the fog is clearing. My CareToLive website is trashed, with little help in sight, although we need to fix it, because we are not finished with the FDA for the corruption that took place there, so we need to fix it ASAP, but that is on the back burner today. We will probably have to rebuild the site from scratch. Today I am interested in starting a new site, with a shopping cart, reviews, etc, and have no idea where to begin, what platform to use, where to host etc. I am looking for someone very knowledgeable in this area to point me in the right direction, and perhaps get involved, with a money making goal for all involved.


Thanks for the article. I definitely want to get off of godaddy. I believe a hedge fund bought them a few years back, and I don't trust them. I will not use them for my new site, (not Care To Live), and I want to move Care To Live off it too. As for the nonprofit, Care To Live, we do have a back up of our site before GODADDY destroyed it. We had hundreds of blogs we wrote, research we provided, documents, photos, and links etc, showing the corruption that took place, and attacking the FDA, Wall Street corruption, and convicted felon Michael Milken's PCF, the largest prostate cancer foundation in the world, who never lifted a finger to support us, and actually employs the 2 doctors who leaked the letters that delayed this prostate cancer and first immunotherapy approval for cancer for 3 years (despite an fda panel voting it 17-0 safe and 13-4 effective), contributing to tens of thousands of men's death without benefit of Provenge, a non poisonous cancer treatment that harnesses the bodies own defenses to fight the cancer. This delayed further research, which would have probably already seen immunotherapy for breast cancer, colon cancer, lung etc, to have already been approved or significantly in the works. The cost of research is prohibitive, and by crushing Provenge, they cut off the funding necessary for the research. Unlike other non profits, Care To Live board of directors never drew a salary. Those of us in charge of running CareToLive spent our own money, plus contributions we raised, fighting for Provenge's approval. It is a long, sordid story, and one that will be told again as soon as we are able to free up the time and resources, to once again get that website up, and show the world the corruption that took place. Mark Mitchell, of DeepCapture wrote a book on it, The Dendreon Story, and we are working on another book to document the corruption. We are a grassroots organization that formed and raised money via the internet, suing the FDA in the process, by a wonderful attorney, who donated his time, and hundreds of supporters. We are still aggressively seeking the foia documents, to pursue a court action, but they are stonewalling us for years. The head of oncology at the fda, deleted the documents from his computer. Years have passed and we are still trying to get them off the back up.

Searching for a website to put up my new site, is a daunting task, outside the area of my expertise. I also have a limited budget, which will continue until my site is up and making money. It is a Catch 22 situation. I am not so much worried about the design. I am more interested in the functionality of selling, and the SEO of marketing, so people will find the site. Although the article is interesting, I need someone who knows the ins and outs of coding, and website optimization, or whatever I mean lol.


Sorry 4 that rant. I feel like our website was deliberately sabotaged. A friend keeps emailing for when it will be back up, since he needs to use some of the research there. I have no answer for him.


The truth is that almost any webhost provider sooner or later will do something disapoints you and/or cause you grief. I have had it happen to me almost everywhere. It is very common as they have to install and maintain new versions of libraries, software, webserver updates, change securiy settings etc. Such updates unfortunately often "break" websites.

You should try find out exactly what changed at your webhost that caused your website blog to stop working. Most often the solution would simply be to update your WordPress (or similar) installation or contact their support. (Infact, the best way to evaluate if a webhost is good is the quality and speed on support enquiries through their ticket system.)

At this point your site may be hard to resurrect.

But do you have backup of your WordPress database?
Do you still have a GoDaddy account? (If so, your site is probably still in DB and all you need is install updated WordPress)
Have you tried updating WordPress at your webhost?
What have you tried to repair your site?
How exactly did the problem start?
What exactly have GoDaddy told you?

If you find the answer to those questions it is quite possible you can find someone who can help you get your old site back up in full quite cheaply, either at GoDaddy or elsehwere. (Quite possibly someone in your organisation knows someone doing webwork.)
TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


 I appreciate what you said about upgrades and websites, and running into the problem wherever we go. Originally I did the site myself in html. It was a mess, but it had all the info. A volunteer talked us into his doing the wordpress site, setting it up, and maintaining it when we had problems. It worked find for years. He is no longer available to us.

I don't know if it was Go Daddy or WordPress's fault. The site said we needed a PHP upgrade, which nobody knew the least bit about implementing. Still, it completely sucks, that if we didn't do the upgrade, that our site wouldn't remain intact as it was. I would have been happy to just keep it the way it was, without the upgrade, even if we could never write another blog, or put up another piece of information. That was not a choice. The site stopped being accessible.

In hindsight, I wish we had kept our awful, antiquated, original site. It looked like crap, but at least it was up and running, with all info intact. No bells or whistles, just the facts.

Is that the status quo? Upgrade or die? That is not progress!

We do have a backup. I am not sure to what extent. I know we have all the data, but your question about the DB, don't know. We still have the go daddy account. We have done nothing to repair it. Problem started when I went to the site and a box popped up saying we needed to upgrade php. I could no longer even log in to the website. We contacted the fellow who put the site up, but he didn't want to do anything. He was very web savvy, so I assumed, (perhaps incorrectly), that it was a big project, and that if he couldn't do it, I certainly couldn't. Somebody spoke to go daddy. I will find out what they said, and what backup we have. It may be an easy fix, but not for me :(

I am so ready. How cheaply? Where do I go to find someone?


It is also possible that someone updated WordPress to a newer version.
And that WordPress version required a newer version of PHP.
But godaddy hadn't updated.

Either way, it would usually be an easy fix. Either
a) Godaddy updates their PHP / moves you to a server with newer PHP
b) You update WordPress (See the link I posted earlier. In newer versions, it can even upgrade itself)

If you haven't closed your Godaddy account, your DB is likely still there which is good.
1) Do you have a file called wp-config.php in your website root? (See with FTP)
2) Did anyone of you delete the old files stored on server? (See with FTP)
3) Do you still have your WordPress passwords?
TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Wre located our backup disks. I have not gone through them yet. I am going to check into some of the things you suggested over this week, and get back to you. ty so much for all your info and efforts.


Correction, we have not located the backup disks yet. We hope to find them soon, and we do have them, somewhere, as far as I am told. I did go into admin on godaddy, and the database is gone, except for a few files. Here is more background. First we could not access the website, getting a message that the php needed to be updated. Then, I went to the site one day, and it did not go to CareToLive. Someone called godaddy and they said the site had been hacked. They said since the php4 was outdated, that it was not secure. They said we needed to upgrade to php5, but everything was already gone, due to the hack.

I am actively seeking the backup disk, and will let you know as soon as it is located. I wanted to keep the website up, for the rest of my life, and then some, ha ha.


Did you manage to get your problems resolved with your website or do you still need help?



Any news if the CareToLive site will be up and running again?

Has anyone checked with the GoDaddy site, if the backups of the MsSql tables were stored separate. Often such databases are not on the same server, so hard to get at by hackers. I know with Hostgator they are.

If so, you could download the backup, create a brandnew WP site at a different host, upload the db plus any image files you may have stored elsewhere that were part of the site. 



I was just checking on CareToLive site. Any updates to that yet please?