Simple web design pledge for better performance

Started by lillianabe, November 03, 2011, 06:50:07 AM


Focus on readability of users and search engine : After completing the design, observe your design by normal users not web designer and try to sort out the problems you may get for accessing your website and find solution for that. taste with different webmaster tools to check its crawl ability.

Web page Speed
: It has become one of the most discussed requirement for better performance. Visitors do not like to wait for website to be loaded fully and search engine also give higher ranking to fast loading priority.

No excessive Banner Advertising  : Too much banner advertising can create bad image of your website and people may abandons your website which would be one possible reason for high bounce rate.

Easy User navigation : Do not use flash menu or java script menu, browser with no flash and java support , users won't be able to navigate through different sites

Efficient performance in all browsers and device : Now there are so many web browsers and device which gives basic functionality for accessing internet. Confirm that your design work well in all these device and browsers


One thing I don't like in web design is pop up advertising and new window opening on clicks on website.Some times an advertising scripts from some resources may stop users to view actual content on website.


If you strategy to keep your web page useful but easy, possibilities are there is something on the web already that meets your needs.One element that they all have in typical is that they want to appeal to readers, and a excellent way of doing that is generating sure that the website looks excellent.


It is remember that a website should be designed from customers perspective. It is ineffective to create it challenging by unrelated content and pictures just to create it look eye-catching.You should concentrate on creating a simple, uncomplicated and easily navigable style. Nothing can please a guest more than an eye-catching yet clear and understandable style. When a guest areas on a site, his concentrate is on looking the product he was looking for.