What are drawbacks of using React JS?

Started by Krina, July 09, 2018, 01:22:16 AM


Due to some drawbacks of ReactJs, many developers are not comfortable working with it for a long period of time. Most of the developers have switched their base from ReactJs to other platforms to have more coding flexibility.

  • Too many smaller components leading to over-engineering or boilerplate.

  • React components can become unreadable and unmanageable in the long run.

  • If you start using React for the whole project you should use only components and in essence create a design language e.g. Grommet.

  • You cannot setup a project without npm-ing (:-P) lots of necessary packages e.g. react router, state management if the project is big, babel etc.

  • Use of inline styling in JSX in conjunction with classNames.


While React has been a great framework for all us as web developers, it still has some issues like:

-Not easy to begin with. You will have to learn at-least the basics of NPM, Node, VirtualDOM, Webpack, Babel etc.
-Overkill for small projects: Yes vanilla javascript works equally great if you are just looking to build simple apps or putting small interactive features in your existing website.
-Frequent Updates: Now this is an advantage too, but for some people it becomes difficult to maintain the code as the framework updates too often.
-Complex State Management: React state management becomes complex in no time, and you will have to accelerate to complex things like Redux.
-A lot of abstraction: A lot if going in react behind the scenes, and sometime new developers may become clueless about how to code works in the dark.
-JSX: Yes I have found this to be a problem with beginners, using html as javascript still is a newer concept to many and using className instead of class is still a skill to be learned by most devs.


Here are some drawbacks of using React JS given below:
1. React components can become unreadable and unmanageable in the long run.
2. Too many smaller components leading to over-engineering or boilerplate.
3. Use of inline styling in JSX in conjunction with class Names.


1. The high tempo of improvement. The high pace of improvement has a bonus and downside both.
2. terrible Documentation. it is some other cons which might be commonplace for constantly updating technology.
3. View element. ReactJS Covers handiest the UI Layers of the app and nothing else.
4. JSX as a barrier.