Advantages of black hat SEO?

Started by Black Ninja, March 30, 2012, 05:30:35 AM

Black Ninja

Hi all,

We all know that Google do not recommend black hat SEO techniques. But lots of SEO professionals do black hat SEO techniques to increase keywords ranking. But I think, black hat SEO technique is not good regarding SEO parameter, because Google does not like any technique for SEO. What do you think about this technique? And what are the advantages of this technique?


Black Hat SEO uses unethical techniques to get higher ranking in short term. Black Hat SEO not obeys the search engine rules and regulations so it is not good for SEO. I always prefer White Hat SEO techniques to get higher ranking in SERP it gives result for long time but white hat SEO is a long process you can't get instant result with white hat SEO. If you have applied the Black Hat SEO techniques than Google and Other search engine definitely penalize your Website.


Black Hat SEO(Black Hat Search Engine Optimization) is customarily defined as techniques that are used to get higher search rankings in an unethical manner. The characteristics of Black Hat SEO are breaks search engine rules and regulations, creates a poor user experience directly because of the black hat SEO techniques utilized on the Web site and unethically presents content in a different visual or non-visual way to search engine spiders and search engine users.Black hat SEO techniques may quickly deliver results. However, due to the disposable nature of the domains, the results are often short term although they can be long term.

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Black hat SEO is one illegal SEO method that quickly increase higher pagerank of website in unauthentic manner because it break all rules and regulation of SEO then it also increase more backlink and traffic on the website.


Black hat seo result is just for temporary base and i suggest avoid this spamming and must follow organic white hat seo techniques in seo.


There are no advantages associated with Black hat techniques since once you are caught, all your money and time will go into waste.


Alex Thompson

The black hat seo allows the over optimization in search engines, it is most dangerous for online website promotions. Some of the SEO workers are using black hat web applications to get well ranked in search engines with short period.


White Hat SEO takes long time to rank, but it is permanent ranking, i.e. ones you are ranked it will stay permanent with minor effort in future.
Black Hat SEO ranks a site pretty fast, but the rank will not pertain long; it will drop or rather vanish after a certain time span. 

Remaining is your own choose what type of ranking you want. :)


Black hat SEO methods will allow you and generate a lot of backlinks for your website but you would never know when your website would get listed in black list of Google and you can lost your business.


Black Hat search engine optimization is normally defined as techniques that are used to get higher search rankings in an unethical manner. These black hat SEO techniques usually include one or more of the following characteristics:

•   breaks search engine rules and regulations
•   creates a poor user experience directly because of the black hat SEO techniques utilized on the Web site
•   unethically presents content in a different visual or non-visual way to search engine spiders and search engine users


Black Hat search engine optimization is normally defined as techniques that are used to get higher search rankings in an unethical manner. These black hat SEO techniques usually include one or more of the following characteristics:

•   breaks search engine rules and regulations
•   creates a poor user experience directly because of the black hat SEO techniques utilized on the Web site
•   unethically presents content in a different visual or non-visual way to search engine spiders and search engine users


I'm surprised uses even bother with black hat as eventually you will get caught out, so whats the point.
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Alma Mott

Black hat SEO purpose is fast and easy ways in driving traffic to your website even breaking search engines rules, but eventually websites will be penalized in no time.


Any advantages are only in the short term because if caught by Google the website will be penalized.
John, Buy website with Payme0


The advantage is black hat techniques help to rank your keywords faster in search engines by unethical ways, but following such techniques can risk your website for any search engine penalties.

Tracey Wood

Advantages of Black Hat SEO:-

1. It give Quicker result as compared to white Hat SEO result.
2. It is useful for get high ranking in sort span of time.


I think as well as the case that Black Hat SEO . Google is not too hard on this. The black hat SEO SEOer still used every day . But there is more or less depending on the level of that SEOer


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