Is blackhat SEO technique useful?

Started by helpout, January 27, 2012, 07:19:03 AM


Hi dear friends,
I am new member here and want to know that are blackhat techniques helpful in Search Engine Optimization?
Any drawbackes of them?
Kindly share with me.

Nichole Green

Blackhat SEO technique is effective only for the short time. Using Blackhat SEO we can easily get the top ranking in short time. But the access use of such type of techniques is very dangerous for sites. Often Your sites are send to the sandbox or banned by the search engine's crawlers. Now a days blackhat SEO techniques are not so effective because of the new updates of search engines. So use the effective SEO techniques that follows the rule or policy of search engines to get top ranks.



   I think Black hat is not useful in SEO because this kind of technique in unethical manner  unlike of white hat.


Black hat search engine optimization is used to get higher search ranking in short time but with an unethical ways. It is helpful for short-term put on in terms of ranking but if you have use these techniques on your website then you have definitely penalized by search engines.

Nile Hadwards

Blackhat seo technique is effective to getting higher ranking in short time. In my point of view for short term planning it can be called effective but for long term it should be avoided. I think the excess use of black hat technique can harm your site tremendously. I have sen some sites simply vanish from the search engines, and they never came back!


Black hat SEO is done because of getting fast and early page rank as well as more visitor. But it is not done properly and in proper way. So it is not more useful as well as it is not useful for long time.


I thing black hat SEO technique is used to get quick rank on search engine result page through unethical manner. It does not follow the rules and regulations of search engine so it is an illegal way to improve rank. By using black hat techniques you can get good result but it is for short time because through a black hat you can't get long term result.


Blackhat SEO technique is useful to get the results quickly but they are not permanent, it is considered as unethical way and your website will be in trouble later.


Blackhat techniques will give short term benefits. It will not offer long term SEO benefit.If you have a website, you want to promote for a short time, black hat SEO is useful. For example, if you want to promote an event website which is scheduled to commence within 3 months, black hat SEO is useful.


Black hat seo is done in an unethical manner, those who want instant ranking use it but Google hates it and if he found someone using it Google banned his site. Google likes only manual work.


Black hat technique is a spamming technique which gives instant and good results but for a shorter period of time. Google spam that website that uses black hat techniques.


yes black hat seo is use ful for decease the ranking


Benefits of Black Hat SEO:

* Increase the traffic fast
* Increase the ranking fast
* You can post your links in which any category websites
* Provide results fast
* Increase your visibility
* You can use two pages on one URL
* You can use hidden text in your website


Dont use black hat.

You can be at top in just few months then gone within after. :(

Thats what Black hat is all about.


NO Blackhat SEO is bad to your site.


Black hat SEO techniques use for short term effect. It obtain more traffic to your site. This techniques use for your website top ranking in very short time. Black hate SEO use several techniques like hidden content, meta keyword stuffing, gateway page, link framing all techniques are use in black hate SEO.


If you get caught using Black Hat then you may as well forget Google. I am using White Hat and with a lot of work, it can get you on page 1. In fact, looking at page 1 for "dog clothes uk" I dont really think that anyone there is using Black Hat.


Black Hat SEO is not useful as it's illegal so when we are not following SEO Rule and doing SEO without following SEO rule then Google and other search engine could penalize your site.


I don't think so. It is very risky for your site which can hurt your page rank if Google know about that.


Black Hat technique will give you short term benefit while white hat techniques are search engine proven and will give your long term SEO benefit.


Quote from: heenakapoor on February 29, 2012, 06:44:19 AM
Benefits of Black Hat SEO:

* Increase the traffic fast
* Increase the ranking fast
* You can post your links in which any category websites
* Provide results fast
* Increase your visibility
* You can use two pages on one URL
* You can use hidden text in your website

it can probably down all these things fast


Blackhat SEO technique is effective only for the short time. Using Blackhat SEO we can easily get the top ranking in short time. But the access use of such type of techniques is very dangerous for sites. Often Your sites are send to the sandbox or banned by the search engine's crawlers. Now a days blackhat SEO techniques are not so effective because of the new updates of search engines. So use the effective SEO techniques that follows the rule or policy of search engines to get top ranks.


Yes, it is helpful for less time once it is caught by big G then it would highly be penalized, believe me.......


Blackhat SEO technique is effective only for the short time. Using Blackhat SEO we can easily get the top ranking in short time. But the access use of such type of techniques is very dangerous for sites. Often Your sites are send to the sandbox or banned by the search engine's crawlers. Now a days blackhat SEO techniques are not so effective because of the new updates of search engines. So use the effective SEO techniques that follows the rule or policy of search engines to get top ranks.


Blackhat seo is unethical seo technique so, avoid it. These techniques can penalize your site.


Blackhat SEO technique is effective only for the short time. Using Blackhat SEO we can easily get the top ranking in short time. But the access use of such type of techniques is very dangerous for sites.

Alex Thompson

 See black hat technique are those which are not genuine or bad technique which are not in the guideline of Google like purchasing link, reciprocal linking, hiding the links in background etc and white head technique is genuine technique like taking back links from relevant sites etc.

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