What is Google Dance back?

Started by maxsamuel, October 08, 2012, 06:18:26 AM


i have heard about this term...
share your views and help me to explain what is it ???


This is when The search engines up-dates its whole data source of websites, which usually happens at the end of monthly. It is known as a flow because there can be a extraordinary switch in the positions as The search engines up-dates some websites as being more appropriate than others..


Yes according to SEOmoz Google dance back.


Google dance create when need of updates the search sites links.


According to me, Google dance will push your search result in SEO back or front. It happens because of Google refresh and not update of algorithm


Google Dance is the google strategy for the SERP. According to google Dance update the search engine gaint for the indexing.the result ,Recalculating page rank for every page the bot has crawled.


Google dance is change ranking update

icecube media

Google dance is the fluctuation in website ranking which occurs when an update occurs in Google searching algorithm.

Black Ninja

I think, you are right, There is too much fluctuation in Google ranking.


when google panda updates keyword ranking will go up and down in google search engine this situation is called as google dance.:)


Google Dance is an out-dated slang term used to describe the period of time in which Google used to rebuild its rankings, and as a result of this rebuilding, rankings of Web sites on Google's SERP may fluctuate in order during a several day period.
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Google dance is the fluctuation in website ranking which occurs when an update occurs in Google searching algorithm.


Google Dance occurs when main updates take place on the database keep up by Google. Continuous scuffling leads to unbalanced rankings of the web pages. This is called Google Dance.


Google dance will push your search result in SEO back or front..............................


I think Google dance back is a term which is used in Search Engine Optimization. Google Dance is an out-dated term which was used to describe the period of time in which Google used to rebuild its rankings, and as a result of this rebuilding, rankings of Web sites on Google's SERP may fluctuate in order during several day periods.


Google dance is the fluctuation in website ranking which occurs when an update occurs in Google searching algorithm.


Google dance is the fluctuation in the ranking of the search engine result pages.

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