Need some help

Started by amarie, February 09, 2013, 06:54:41 AM


I have a membership club website that is being worked on. I utilize an iMac which does not run Microsoft Access. My question is: having members join my club, will I have a need for Access or a software similar to it? Is this a good way of keeping track of all  my members and most importantly to send them their membership card and any other information that maybe needed. 

I am sure there is such a thing as free membership dues and let sponsors pay you, but I do not want to take that route.I feel that IF I am having a membership club, dues are involved. Why free? What if I don't get sponsors?  Will Quickbooks for Mac play a role in the database? I am having a one year membership and a month to month membership which I want to be automatically renewed each year TO prevent me from invoicing. That is how I see it. Am I wrong? This is my first time starting up a business online and need some advice about this.  Any help here?


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