How to use Articles to increase keyword SERP in Google?

Started by bestwish, January 18, 2012, 09:42:46 AM


Hello friends,
we all know about articles.
I want to know that how can I use articles to increase keyword SERP in Google?
How effective to do this? Share me your experience for this.


Just use your keywords in anchor text in the body of articles and submit it to articles directories.


Just use your keyword in the anchor text and secondly use unique content that must contain useful information. Keyword must be relevant to your site.

Nichole Green

Submitting articles to article directory sites such as ezine articles allows you to get backlinks to your website.In most article directories you can submit your own article with inserted anchor text links to your own site which contain keywords. Try to search good PR articles directories on internet. After that submit you own article (not copied, because copied article will not be published and possible your account will be spammed) with anchor text links in relevant category. Anchor text links are backlinks, and thease links are very useful to increase website traffic.


Optimize article contents with target keywords and submit articles to quality article directories like ezine, ideamarketers etc. Make sure articles are unique and informative.


-write unique and interesting articles
-Put keywords in the articles
-Submit the articles to trusted article directories

and don't forget to social bookmark the articles links.


Firstly your article must be unique as content is like a king which is very important to get high rank. Secondly put the keyword density 2-3%.


Try and get your links "do-follow" by searching for directories that allow do-follow links.
You can put the html do-follow before your html link to ensure this.
Ezine is great as it has a PR6 but doesn't allow do-follow links.
Hubspot is great as it allows do-follow and you can get paid for your article submissions!



Your article must be unique means must not contain any duplicate content and secondly manage the keyword density that must be 2-3% and keyword must be relevant to your site and thirdly use good quality backlinks.


Post only original and useful articles that will direct the readers to your site for more information.


You need to put original article on high PR article submission site. If you post unique article on every different site than it will really helpful for your site SERP ranking.


Just use your keywords in anchor text in the body of articles and submit it to articles directories.


Article should be unique as well as informative then put one or two links in it and promote it on popular article directories like ezine,goarticles etc..


Of course the article should be unique and it would have quality and publishing articles on high quality article directories would help in  many ways like getting direct traffic, building quality links and much more other benefit also.


Article submission is powerful way to get attention of readers as well as Google and other search engines.  Article submission is technique to write organic content about website or business and publish in high PR and authority article submission sites to get quality back links. Always use unique content in each article submission. Google always fetch new content for that crawl authority article sites for well data or content which helps to get index your sties and increase SERP in Google.

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