What is Directory Submission?

Started by rajaram, August 09, 2018, 08:27:48 AM


Directory submission refers to the process of adding your website to a web directory. The directory submission process involves submitting your website URL along with other details of your website to the most appropriate category.
In the SEO world, directory submission is the basic step taken by marketers to improve link popularity of a website.


Directory submission is the process of submitting your website to various web directories to build backlinks and generate traffic from them.
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Directory submission basically listing your website in various business directories that best suited your services.


Directory submission service enables your web content to be crawled by the search engines. This is one of the best methods you can use to advertise your website. The service also brings internet users to your site especially if the content on your site is in line with what you are looking for. Your website inclusion in the search engines happens if you place your site in the right directory in regards to the content. This idea works and has been suggested by one of the commonly used search engines.


Directory submission is an important part of the link building. Listing in good directories automatically brings in quality back links, increasing link popularity, increase you're ranking in search engines, traffics and many more. One of the most important aspects of any business today is to ensure that its online façade, via its website, is well constructed, attractive and most importantly, can be found and seen easily on the web.


A web directory is a directory of World Wide Web. Additionally, it is the collection of high PR websites which are arranged in different categories and subcategories. The process of submitting your website link to the web directory is called Directory Submission.


Thanks for sharing the information.


Directory submission is one of the best off page SEO techniques which will help our website to increases the ranking position in SERP as well as increases our website traffic ,popularity.


Directory submission in SEO is process of submitting our website URL on various business directories or web directories to create backlinks. Backlinks are used by search engines to improve ranking.


Directory submission is defined as the practice of submitting your website URL and its details on the web in a directory under a particular category. This is a way which helps you to improve your link building. Directory Submission is an off page factor which helps to optimize your webpage.


Enough answers are given, I think @admin should close the thread now!!!


Directory submission is a technique used in search engine optimization (SEO) to submit a website's link to web directories, which helps to improve the website's visibility and search engine rankings. The practice has become less effective over time as search engines now prioritize quality over quantity, but it can still be used as part of a comprehensive SEO strategy.


The process of submitting your website's URL to online directories or web directories, which are platforms that organize and classify websites according to their content and purpose, is known as SEO directory submission. Websites like these directories list other websites and give details about them, like the name, URL, description, and category.

The goal of submitting your website to directories is to make it more visible, boost its position in search engine results, and bring in more visitors. A form of off-page SEO strategy known as directory submission aids in the creation of backlinks to your website, which are crucial for boosting its search engine rankings.

Directory submissions are divided into two categories: paid and free. You can submit your website to directories for free with free directory submissions, but the process can take a long time and there is no guarantee that your website will be accepted. On the other hand, paid directory submissions require you to pay a fee to have your website listed in a directory. This can increase your chances of being accepted and boost the search engine rankings of your website.

In general, directory submission is a useful strategy to consider as part of a larger SEO plan. However, to get the best results, make sure to use reputable directories and follow the submission guidelines.

rahul verma

Directory Submission is a process of submitting your website URL to various web directories (websites) with the aim of building backlinks thus increasing business growth. This is the off-page SEO technique, used to generate outsider links for your website.

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