Why should you do Cross-linking?

Started by varunroy, August 04, 2020, 03:55:43 AM


Cross Linking- a strategy that can come in handy to get high search engine rankings, by leveraging multiple domains owned by you. Search engines value these links, as they are from relevant sites, with related content- and you stand a chance of getting a better rank.


Cross linking is currently the only available treatment which appears to stop the worsening of keratoconus. Clinical trials based on outcomes 1 year after cross-linking show success in the halting of keratoconus in more than 90% of treated eyes, with more than 45% of eyes also gaining an improvement in corneal shape. A separate study over a 5 year period showed a similar success rate in halting the progress of keratoconus. Visual improvement after treatment occurs in approximately 50% of cases. However, after treatment you will still need to wear spectacles or contact lenses.


SEO crosslinks are simply linked to other pages on your website, linking relevant keywords to related content. These links help build up the authority of pages on your website and allow viewers to more easily access related content, thus keeping them on your website longer while they view multiple pages.


The purpose of cross-linking is to prevent further deterioration of vision for most patients and to potentially improve vision.

Electrum IT Solutions

Hello Friends,

Cross-linking is a phrase that is used in various industries and depending on the industry, the meaning also changes. In the Digital Marketing industry, this is what Cross-Linking means:

Cross-linking is a way of putting your content on a higher SEO spot. The concept of cross-linking SEO is connecting them to other sites that might provide the user with relevant information on a topic. It is considered a brand marketing strategy. It helps to promote your websites and benefits your branding in the digital market.


Slow down or stop the condition's progression.
Help prevent vision loss or changes.
Make contact lenses more tolerable.
Help prevent the need for corneal transplant surgery.

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