Lamp tutorial

Started by Sharmait007, September 19, 2011, 07:33:09 AM


LAMP is the first letters of Linux (operating system), Apache , MySQL and Perl/PHP/Python.
LAMP Advantages:
•   Easy to code:.
•   Easy to deploy:
•   Cheap and ubiquitous hosting:
•   Linux is  one kind of operating system.A major advantage of Linux is security which used for a web-server application. Linux is free open-source software which means the we can edit the code accordingly.
•   It's a HTTP Server
•   Apache is a o pen source web server.
•   MySQL is a  back end database.It's also open source.Sun had acquired MySQL originally on January 16, 2008.
•   The data in MySQL is stored in database objects called tables.

PHP, Perl, or Python:
                             PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor and is a server-side language. PHP is relatively new (compared to languages such as Perl (CGI) and Java) .This means that the script is run on web browser so there is no compatablity issues.


Nice on this the best tutorial , but not the full one..
plz upload the full tutorials it will  very helpful...