what is back-end?

Started by melbournedeluxecabs, August 27, 2013, 01:31:40 AM


when we store the data where it store and what is back-end. is it a tool or a feature.


Back end is a tool or program by which you can store your data.Back end works with the data behind the scenes. For example all four operation of the database.Create,update,delete and insert


Back end refers to data base handling work in back office or It is simply data entry process.


The backend is responsible for things like calculations, database interactions. Most of the applications will be written on the backend. Backend developers not only understand the programming language and databases, they must have an understanding of server planning as well.


There is a portion of the application the user sees and then—in most cases—the largest part of the application remains unseen. This is the elusive and mystical "back-end."