How to change blog title

Started by bhatnagar.ashish001, July 07, 2011, 03:13:15 AM


I want to change my blog title in google search result . Google search shows the old title of my blog and i want to change it. Kindly tell me some tips for this.


when google crawl your blog next time blog title  will  update.


You can change title in your blog now. And after the recrawlling of your blog the title must be changed in search results. The condition is only that your blog has to be crawlled after update. It takes some time.


Well after sign in you can change it under the setting under dashboard.


Do social Bookmarking will help to index much faster & it will help to see the new title in the Google search results.

SEO Professionals

A good blog title will say everything about your blog. It will say what you are blogging about, what you are blogging for and who is your audience. A poor title will usually try to do too much and do nothing at all.


its simple wait for the google crawler to crawl again.


its simple ho to the seo setting of a blog,where y0u can easily change the title


If you have changed your title in your blog, then it will be crawled once your site is indexed by Google.

Smitha Nayak

Well after sign in you can change it under the setting under dashboard.


Go to edit edit section of blog and you will  find the option to change your blog title.


In dit section of blog and you will  find the option to change your blog title after changing, fetch this url as google in webmaster tool for early crawling by search engine.