Can Google detect partial duplication?

Started by randycool, December 10, 2011, 01:24:01 AM


Hi folks,
If most of my content on a page is unique, can it detect the part that is duplicated?

How does this work with forums/sites that allow for quoting of other sites and post news?
Thanks for any help.


I think goole will know if you just copy the content from other website you had better modify the content


You cannot just copy and paste the same content from some site, you need to modify it add or remove some content, and it should seems to be unique



Google can detect partial duplication. Google is very clever as he has spider.


I haven't think about that but I know Google is very powerful to detect duplication.


I don't think that partial duplication is a problem. Of course, Google can and will detect it but I think it won't penalize you for it in any way because it's partial duplicaion (quotation).


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