Google may consider spam...

Started by Talhajiya, April 03, 2012, 02:31:04 AM


If you use other methods that Google might consider a spam, then remove them from your pages right away. If you happen to have a links page, instead of utilizing a link exchange system with a central server why not host your link pages on your own site. If you're part of a focused system your internet site will be in danger if the focused system is considered spam. After you've took away the spam elements from your pages, there are 2 things you can do so as to tide you over from this mad phase. First, optimise your website. Think about employing "IBP's Top ten Optimizer" so as to optimise your net pages for the new Google procedure. The second thing you can do is to grow your promotion efforts. Regardless of whether you probably did find a way to get excellent rankings on Google, it's still a better idea not to depend on Google alone. Why don't you try Yahoo and MSN? They're also fairly popular among users and can bring you good traffic. Of course, the key to a successful web business is to get targeted traffic from all gigantic search websites. If your internet site has good rankings on the other search websites then dropping out on one won't have much effect on you. Irrespective of your position it still is long awaited, as it could be a good barometer that will help you gauge your internet site. With the constantly changing factors to Google's obscure ranking process remember that you're not alone in this. If your internet site has suffered lower ranking so have millions of other site owners out there. Therefore kick back and relax. Once the update is over and thing settle down again you'll be ready to see where you stand. Then you can adjust your S.E.O plan accordingly, and resume your pursuit of gaining keyword dominance!


Very interesting and Nicely written. Thanks for the post.
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Sandeep Thakur

Yes google iake it as spam if you can make large ping with your content. thanks for sharing useful information.


There are many activities which all google consider spam and google always update it in their algorithms and also give the suitable name like Google panda and Google penguin.  So you can easily understand and remember it. Some off spam activities according to Google like duplicate or copy content, excessive use of keyword, unnecessary and not related back link etc.

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