how can I recover from Google Penalties?

Started by Black Ninja, April 04, 2012, 05:26:49 AM

Black Ninja

Google penalties create an ethical swamp for Google, because they can harm you for breaking the rules they define. Sometimes, no warnings are issued before Google penalties are imposed. Suppose, Google has penalized my site, then how can I recover from Google penalties?


To get recovery from Google penalty, first of all try to evaluate the reason why the penalty comes and try to fix that problem. After fixing this problem, add your website to Google to review your website by reconsideration request. Then do different SEO techniques which are allow by Google search engine. Do not use black hat SEO technique to get high rank in search engine. Build the links from high quality websites. Avoid spamming websites.


Try to make good content if your site penalized then change your site complete content as well remove the spam links from the sites.

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