How to check google analytics ?

Started by Peter97, November 11, 2016, 06:07:51 AM


Hello friends,

How to check google analytics ?


Checking your Google Analytics data starts with your Audience in which displays the current visitors and users of the website but its recommended to explore this great tool to study your site's behavior.

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You need to have a google analytics account and you need to put its code into your website. Then you will be able to see the traffic coming to your site.


First you visit the address: this is the Google Analytics homepage. Then you immediately log in with your google account, if you do not have an account you create an account for yourself.
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Google Analytics is a service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visits to a website.


1. First create your account in Google Analytics.
2. Then put your website code.
3. Analyse your website

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