How to identify Google penalty?

Started by Propertyseo2020, April 06, 2021, 07:49:27 AM



you can login to Google Search Console to see if your website is under a manual penalty. You can find this under SECURITY & MANUAL ACTIONS / MANUAL ACTIONS. Check for Google Penalties using the Manual Actions Report.


A manual action is easy to identify because Google will send you a notification through Webmaster Tools. Once you claim your website on Webmaster Tools, navigate to the "Search Traffic" drop down and click on "Manual Actions." Here, Google will tell you specifically what type of penalty you have.


Google Webmaster Tool (GWT)– This is probably the simplest way to identify a manual Google penalty. All you need to do is log in to your GWT account and click on 'Search Traffic' then 'Manual Actions. ' From there a window will display stating if you have committed a Google penalty or not.


You will need google account to access your search console and check if there are manual actions provided by the tool. Most of the time you will coordinate with your dev and graphic designers to fix or make adjustments with the errors.



The best way to check if your website was penalized by an automatic penalty is to login to Google analytics and review your Google organic traffic. If you see a drop in traffic during the dates that Google released an algorithmic change, then most probably you were hit and that's the reason that your traffic dropped.


If you seeing there is a drop in the traffic under Google analytics also if you are seeing any notification under your GSC account regarding warnings and SPAM alert then you can consider it as Google penalty.


To check for any penalties, you can log the webmaster account and choose "Manual Actions" in the "Search Traffic". The site-wide penalty is one of the most unpleasant ones as your site is viewed as spam by Google and your ranking drops dramatically. That can lead to de-indexing or blacklisting of the site too.


A manual action is easy to identify because Google will send you a notification through Webmaster Tools. Once you claim your website on Webmaster Tools, navigate to the "Search Traffic" drop down and click on "Manual Actions." Here, Google will tell you specifically what type of penalty you have.


you will be notified through your search console dashboard


First, you need to link your website to search console or google webmaster and later you can check for google penalties on Securities and manual action and click on manual action.

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