What is Google’s Rich Answer Box?

Started by bangalorewebguru, January 11, 2018, 09:36:38 AM


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It's an Google Rich Answer Box is a Usually displayed in a light-gray box that a user can quickly read without having to scroll through a lengthy article.


If you have entered a search query in Google SERP recently, you may have observed an informational box at the top of the page which displays a quick answer to your question eg. Wikipedia, this is referred to as Google's Rich Answer box.



When searching for a term on Google, you receive not only a list of search results but also an informational box at the top of the page that displays a quick answer to your question or a description of your search that is called Google's Rich Answer Box.

Hope it helps you.


Google's rich answer box is a relatively new feature that provides searchers with direct answers to their questions at the top of the search page. When a searcher types a question into the Google search bar, Google scans through its search results to find the closest answer to the question. When the search engine finds an answer to the question, it will feature a snippet of the website's page at the very top of the search results page.


Google's Rich Answer Box shows a fast answer to user query as well the typical search results when user search the query in Google.

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