what is google adwords

Started by blackmagicbaba, April 17, 2018, 02:05:32 AM


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what is google adsense

sandy mary

To be simple Google Adwords allows you to display ads on SERP where as Google Adsense is displaying Google's ads on your website. for Google adwords you have to pay and for Google Adsense you will be paid for displaying ads.


Google AdSense is a contextual advertising program that allows you to run ads on your website or blog


Google AdWords is Google's advertising system in which advertisers bid on certain keywords in order for their clickable ads to appear in Google's search results. Since advertisers have to pay for these clicks, this is how Google makes money from search.


Google Adwords is a paid keyword promotion tool used to build your keyword popularity and also generate good traffic from them.
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Google AdWords is Google's advertising system in which advertisers bid on certain keywords in order for their clickable ads to appear in Google's search results. Since advertisers have to pay for these clicks, this is how Google makes money from search.


Google Adowords is the system Google has developed to assist you to marketing your products or service in the search engine and its affiliate sites via the use of place text ad that appears when people search for phrases related to your offering, this appear as "sponsored link".


Google AdWords is Google's advertising product, which displays your ads to people looking for your products or services on Google or its partner sites.


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