What is Google citation?

Started by thomosmax, January 22, 2014, 09:24:52 AM


Do you know about Google citation?  Please give me your suggestions.


Citations are defined as mentions of your business name and address on other webpages—even if there is no link to your website.Citations are a key component of the ranking algorithms in Google and Bing.A good way to determine which citations one needs is by researching the competition and using their citations as a guide.

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Google Scholar Citations provide a simple way for authors to keep track of citations to their articles. You can check who is citing your publications, graph citations over time, and compute several citation metrics.


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Are Google Citations important for gaining a higher ranking in Google Local Search?
One of the most asked questions I get from small business owners trying to get top rankings in Google Local Search results is;
I keep hearing that I need lots of Google citations to get better rankings in Google Places. What are they, and how do I get them?
If you are a small business owner trying to get page one rankings in Google Places, citations are a very important element to getting your business listing up on top. In this article I am going to explain what a Google citation is, and why you need them to get top rankings in the Google local search results.


Google Citation means that your website business is located in a location and must have 3 things attached with that business i.e NPA means Name i.e business name P stands for Phone number and A means Address of your business.

You have to use this information in most of business listing related websites to give you Google a ranking signal to give you ranking in local.

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