When is the next Google Pr update?

Started by mrhendi, November 29, 2011, 06:57:37 AM


Hi folks,
I create a new blog and done some link building stuff. I am eagerly waiting for google pr update.
Can anyone tell me when is it going to happen. is there any particular date . Where can i find information on this date.

Please help me in this regard. Thanks in advance.


I noticed some really weird changes at the end of Feb start of March. One of my clients sites had a secure https:// link appearing in position 1 instead of the normal http:// link. This affected a few on my clients sites and while I could sort out any issues with this, I had no warning at all. I recieved an email direct from one of my contacts at Google and he said: "If there's a domain move going on at the moment, then yeah, you should expect some short term weirdness. Generally, I tell people to expect 3 months of misery on a changeover. It does't often take that long to self-regulate, but on occasion it can."
I read this as an algorithm update to be honest...

rakkhi sharma

Hi friends don't wait PR update, do your work, after some time you can get naturally pr without Google pr update,
OK let me define, In PR update some sites get good rank and some of sites, have good rank may be go down (for example in last pr update one of my blog have PR3 but before update its pr become 1.


Only Google employees know when it is going to update page rank algorithm.



It will be available may be in the month of march may be. But it will be good if we focus on our page ranking.


No there is no any particular date for it. Not sure when it will come but till then we need to focus on our sites. Use keywords and good backlinks.


Google does not say when it will update the Page rank, I guess it does that to avoid people manipulating sites or links.


It will be available may be in the month of march may be. But it will be good if we focus on our page ranking.


I think for every 3 months Google will update the page ranks. Because i observed this to one of my site had page rank 4 in september 2011,but now it is decreased to Pr 3 in the month of January 2012.

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