How to choose keyword for the site???

Started by poojauni, March 01, 2012, 05:42:01 AM


Hello friends, i have a product and want to make it popular. Suggest me how can i choose keywords for my site???????? Help me out, plz!!!!!!!!!


Just type keyword suggeestion tool in google search bar it will give us 100 keywords with the metrics.Then you can choose the best one for your site.


You can use Google Ad-words suggestion tool for the selecting right keyword and you must choose keyword with low competitive and high search volume.  You can also use keyword density for checking ratio of the keyword. KD must be range from 2% to 8%.


Unfortunately there are no shortcuts - good research will pay off with good results. By entering a search phrase in Google you can see what sort of competition you are up against. The blue bar at the top of the results page might say something like 'Results 1 - 10 of about 4,160,000'. That tells you that the search phrase is fairly competitive.
(I know, harsh forum rules. But can't have forum associated with file sharing.)


For successful search engine optimization you have to focus more on keyword selection. You can use Google adwords and get good analysis for your site. Keywords represent your site in search engines, so you have to choose most appropriate keywords for your site. Take a look at competition, search volume of your selected keywords.


First check your competitor keywords then analysis them which have low competition and good amount of traffic chose those keywords and optimize them you'll have good sales than your competitor.


You can use Google adword keyword tool for keyword selection.You can choose keywords which are of high global and monthly search and low competition and good ppc value...:)


Google adword tool will help you to find out keywords for your site.


As per my knowledge Google Adword  is the best  tool for keyword research. You can  search keywords related to your business, try to keep the keywords that should be high monthly searches and  low in competition. 


Using Google Ad-words tool you can select the right keyword. The keyword with high searches and low competitors will be better and density of the keyword should be 2 to 5%.


i suggest google adword tool for keyword helps me to choose right keywords for my website.:)


Using Google Adwords and Google Trends for find out the perfect keyword for your site.

icecube media

First of all go to Google adword tool, put your keyword ideas in search box and you will get the traffic and competition report of them. Them select them according to the concept of your website and the content of the website.

Seo gurgaon

Do Keyword research with Google Adword tool or Word Tracker tool.
Always choose Medium competitive Keyword with high search queries for your site.


Go to Google Word keyword tool > enter your website, its category, and a keyword that describes your business in phrase > it will show you all the keywords related to your industry with much more information. Picking keywords for your website basically depends upon the number of search queries and competition. Do a small analysis on those keywords and select them. You are done. Cheers.

Alex Thompson

Google adword is the best way to select keywords.

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