On Page SEO Checklist

Started by happydeal18, August 08, 2016, 05:36:49 AM


Hi Fans,

Can anybody describe new and latest 2016 SEO On Page Checklist to be considered and implement it accordingly.


Hi Friend,
On-Page SEO Checklist to optimize your website this 2020:

  • Use concise page titles & H1 Tags.

  • Use descriptive and SEO-friendly URLs.

  • Have a compelling meta description.

  • Use subheadings and Header Tags.

  • Be Cautious of Keyword Placements.

  • Provide Good User Experience (UX).

  • Place Internal Links in Your Content.


On-Page SEO Checklist

Include Your Keyword In Your URL.
Use Short URLs.
Front-Load Your Keyword In Your Title Tag.
Embed Title Tag Modifiers.
Use Your Keyword Once In The First 150 Words.
Use Your Keyword in H1, H2 or H3 Tags.
Optimize Images.
Use Synonyms and LSI Keywords.


Here are some points

1. Include Your Keyword In Your URL.
2. Use Short URLs.
3. Front-Load Your Keyword In Your Title Tag.
4. Embed Title Tag Modifiers.
5. Use Your Keyword Once In The First 150 Words.
6. Use Your Keyword in H1, H2 or H3 Tags.
7. Optimize Images.
8. Use Synonyms and LSI Keywords.


On-Page SEO Checklist

Include Your Keyword In Your URL.
Use Short URLs.
Front-Load Your Keyword In Your Title Tag.
Embed Title Tag Modifiers.
Use Your Keyword Once In The First 150 Words.
Use Your Keyword in H1, H2 or H3 Tags.
Optimize Images.
Use Synonyms and LSI Keywords.

Electrum IT Solutions

Hello Friends,
On-Page SEO Checklist
Page Title Optimization
Heading Optimization
Meta Description Optimization
URL Optimization
Image Optimization
Internal Linking
Technical SEO
Content Optimization


Crawl your site.
Conduct an SEO audit and define your site architecture.
Update URLs, page titles, and meta descriptions.
Make sure your keywords are in your URL.
Include your keywords throughout the page.
Track keywords and topics for each page.
Do not keyword stuff.


There is a clean website structure. 
Feature rich content. 
Use relevant title tags. 
Add alternate tags. 
Optimize for mobile devices. 
Enable fast loading times. 
Install Google Search Console and Analytics. 
Make sure your website and URL are secure.

rahul verma

Meta description
Page speed
Schema markup
External links
Internal linking
Ensure all links are working properly
Page titles

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