What is the meaning of Long tail Keywords?

Started by Alex Thompson, October 04, 2013, 02:14:36 AM

Alex Thompson

Hi friends,

I want to know what is the meaning of long tail keywords and what is the process behind long tail keywords.


Long tail keywords are a combination of 3 or more words that are relevant and precise to the products or services you sell. Long tail keywords can easily rank high in SERPs, as they have very less competition. It will boost your conversion ratio.


Long-tail keywords are usually more than 2 or 3 keyword phrase which have less competition and they are cost-effective with high-performing for both paid & organic search.


Long tails keywords are used for fresh website launched in order to get initial visibility and ranking for website.

Long tail keywords are 4, 5 phrase keywords used on-page. Here are some example

- Website Clone Development Company
- Website Clone Development Company India
- Custom Website Development India
- Custom Website Development Company India
- Hire Web Developer India

This are long tail keywords used at initial stage or used to target desired audience on your website.


Long tail keywords are combination of 2 or 3 words, its help to ranking in search engine result pages. and yes its very less competitions.


Combination of three words is called Long tail Keyword.


Long tail keywords are combination of three or more words that are more meaningful and specific than a single keyword. and most important that it is not count in spam.


Long tail keywords are those which has more than 3 words in a keyword.


Long tail keywords are a type of keyword phrase that has at least three, and some times as many as five words in the phrase. Long tail keywords are used when the website wants to refine search terms to the web page, as well as when the searcher is looking for something rather specific.

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