Add search to a website tool in the works

Started by Webhelpforums, September 01, 2010, 03:17:25 PM


I will probably before 2011 have a tool ready that makes it easy to integrate search into *any* website :)

Making it easy to add search to websites no matter if they are DB or static and without any branding.

My "A1" product will build the url/search/scoring tables/files with front ends made in e.g. PHP.

Naming suggestions are welcome :)
If you have other kinds of comments, feel free to share :)

TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Database tables versus files on disk

It would be much easier to get good speed and easy access storing the pre-calculated URL/search/scoring data in database tables. However, I am unsure of normal users will encounter grief e.g. executing/importing SQL files on their server.

Thus I may need to look into efficient ways to store the data in files. I.e. so a user could just uploaded:

- disk-data-files
- PHP/ASP search script
- own CSS style file (if not using default)

The "A1" software could place all these in same folder making it easy to upload them all in one go and have working website search immediate. Still, the performance of disk-data-files would almost for sure not match what a dedicated SQL database engine would be able to. (And I am not interesting in coding very complex frontends in PHP and ASP. Intend is to keep all scoring and heavy-duty work in the A1 software allowing for very quick lookup and calculations in frontends)
TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


If you are coming from a search engine and found this - here is a direct link to the product developed:
TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.