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Messages - trish456563

Its great. I love doing bookmarking specially to the site I love.
Quote from: XaviH on February 27, 2012, 06:38:02 PM
If you're  selling goods, why not follow up with the customer asking what they thought of the product, if there were any issues with shipping etc. and suggest linking via their FaceBook account. Try and make any suggestions as personal as possible, without appearing  awkward.

Good start there :)
It will help your site boost and gain an popularity later on.
Quote from: noelagnote on October 28, 2011, 06:36:46 AM

•   Create a catchy headline.
•   Seal the deal.
•   Describe your article accurately.
•   Content is still king!
•   Make it easy for your visitors.
•   Time your posts carefully.
•   Build your online reputation.
•   Choose the right categories.
•   Cooperation is important!
•   Don't automate everything.

very nice. You did a great job today :)
Quote from: webguru on January 02, 2012, 05:25:53 AM
As more and more people embraced social media, 2011 saw the exponential growth of social channels like Twitter, Facebook, etc. Whether you have a small business or an MNC, a strategy for social media marketing is an absolute must. Here are a few tips.

1. All-round focus

Social media is no longer limited to Facebook and Twitter. Be present in all the services involving social media – G+, LinkdIn, etc.

2. Set your goals and deadline

Be clear about what you wish to do – increase sales, help customers, drive more traffic to a website. Then set monthly goals to be achieved.

3. Measure Results

Once you have planned the goal, then find a way to measure the results obtained. Google Analytics and Klout are two such tools.

4. Outsouce

It's easy to let employees wander off into social media, whereas they are better at sales, customer care or product designing. In cases where you don't have a dedicated SMM team or Web designers, ask your web designing firm or SMM specialists to do the job for you.

5. Share Your Social Media

Once you have your social media profiles all set up, make sure that you share the links and pages with your customers. For instance, if you have G+ business page, a Facebook fanpage and a LinkedIn  Company page all set up, print them on to your flyers, brochures, freebies, business cards, etc.

thanks for sharing. your so helpful to other. keep up the good work.
Quote from: Delois on December 19, 2011, 08:27:02 AM
The tips for marketing on FaceBook are as bellow :

1.   Complete your all details on the FaceBook profile page because Profiles filled with all detail looks professional.
2. Join the different groups on the FaceBook which are related to your category.
3. Promote your business/service by advertisements, by creating banner and landing pages.
4. Create fan pages and share your website and try to get more likes from the fan pages.
5. Invite the new people to join to your group in FaceBook.

You can share your ideas...

thanks for the tips.
I agree to most of the post reply.
because you can share your article to the other users and it help to boost your site for it.
Its very important to have backlink... it give a popularity to your site the way Search engine crawled your site and Google think that your site is trusted.
I don't really know, because even you got a lot backlink but in poor site you will not be on top of Google... thats the reality.
Terrific mate. You did a great job.
The both have special way to gain popularity and with help boost site when properly use.
I will keep that in mind, sir.
Quote from: jerrymaestro on March 01, 2012, 02:23:11 PM
Is press release is still effective this days???

don't use press release neither,
They're good in doing backlinks.
Nice one. You give justice to the description.
Yes I agree with you.. I gain lot of specially my keyword ranking when I got a link from .edu and .gov sites.
Forum is a great source of backlink and also your keyword will rank in do follow forums.
SEM is also like SEO. You promote your site so that people can visit you and gain some sales.
I tried Social Media before and I reach 1000 in just a day... Stumbleupon.
Did you say black hat....???

No matter what White SEO is the one that Google would really appreciate and would be love.
Each of them gives a different result that lead to Google boost ranking.
Quote from: taniasharma on November 15, 2011, 06:30:44 AM
According to me Google's provide tools are most important like
Google webmaster tool
Google Analytics tool
Google Adwords Keyword tool

and some more are like
SEO Quake
SEO Powersuit

I agree to this guy :)
You really did a great job there mate.