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Title Tags. The title tag is your main and most important anchor.
Meta Description Tags.
Heading Tags (H1-H6)
Image Alt Attributes.
Nofollow Attributes.
Robots Meta Tag.
rel="canonical" link tag.
Schema Markup.
Blocking Google from crawling.
Blocking Google from indexing your pages.
Not doing keyword research.
Not matching the search intent.
Not enough backlinks.
Buying backlinks.
Treating SEO as a one-time thing.
Scaling low-quality content with AI.
I wonder link exchange is worth it in 2024? as I heard google is not giving any benefit to reciprocal links?
On-page optimization is the process of ensuring the content is both relevant and provides a great user experience. In the past, many businesses approached it as simply keyword stuffing, mentioning their keywords as many times as possible within the content.
Dynamic Website. The difference between static websites and dynamic websites is that static websites appear the same for every user that accesses them and only change when a developer modifies the source files, whereas dynamic websites can present different information to different visitors.
Website Design and HTML / Re: Which platform is best for...
Last post by aroonkumar4in - May 15, 2024, 08:58:05 AM
Wordpress is the best platform for website development. However if once knows coding then PHP is best website programming language for me.
The best keywords to target will be relevant to your content. Your keywords should be something that answers a question, solves a problem, otherwise helps a customer, or provides value to your target audience. Do they have a high search volume? Aim for keywords with a high search volume.
Keep title tags between 51 and 60 total characters, as this length appears to result in the fewest rewrites. Note that Google will typically read your entire title tag even if it exceeds 60 characters, but it may truncate or rewrite it for display.
Forum Introductions / Hello Everyone!!!
Last post by jennifer660 - May 14, 2024, 09:18:24 AM
I was looking at some toys for my dog. But I'm not sure if it will provide enough mental stimulation for my dog. So if anyone here has experience with dog mental stimulation toys, please let me know.
A Google Business Profile provides you with the ability to list your business location on Google Maps and local search results. You can display important information about your business, including the opening/closing times, contact details or a link to your website.