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Struggling to impress hiring managers with your resume? Here's why:

Focusing on responsibilities, not achievements.

Lack of quantifiable results and metrics.

Failure to showcase relevant skills effectively.

Using passive language instead of action-driven verbiage.

Ignoring the need to tailor your resume to each job application.

Transform your resume by highlighting your impact, quantifying results, showcasing skills, using dynamic language, and customizing for each opportunity. Stand out and land that dream job!

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Search Engine Optimization SEO / Speedup your HRMS
Last post by Max_00 - Today at 01:12:26 AM
Why are HR professionals choosing HRMS software? One word: efficiency.

HRMS streamlines processes, saves time, and reduces paperwork, making HR tasks a breeze. But what feature do people love the most?

It's the automation!

Automating tasks like payroll, leave management, and performance reviews frees up HR's time for strategic initiatives. Plus, it minimizes errors and ensures compliance.

With MaxHR, HR teams can focus on what truly matters – the people.

Start free demo now:
In practice, a page title is considered one of the most important elements of on-site optimization. Above all, it provides a title for a page. Then, it informs search engines about the topic and the core features of the page. Hence, page titles must be optimized for search engines, just like other page components.
On-page SEO (also called on-site SEO) is the process of optimizing webpages and their content for both search engines and users. It can help rank pages higher on Google and drive more organic traffic. Common tasks associated with on-page SEO include optimizing for search intent, title tags, internal links, and URLs.
-PHP is used primarily for web development, while Python is used for a wider range of applications, including scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning. PHP has low readability, While Python has high readability.

-PHP framework: Laravel, CodeIgniter
-Python framework: Flask, Django, Web2Py
Title Tags. The title tag is your main and most important anchor.
Meta Description Tags.
Heading Tags (H1-H6)
Image Alt Attributes.
Nofollow Attributes.
Robots Meta Tag.
rel="canonical" link tag.
Schema Markup.
Blocking Google from crawling.
Blocking Google from indexing your pages.
Not doing keyword research.
Not matching the search intent.
Not enough backlinks.
Buying backlinks.
Treating SEO as a one-time thing.
Scaling low-quality content with AI.
I wonder link exchange is worth it in 2024? as I heard google is not giving any benefit to reciprocal links?
On-page optimization is the process of ensuring the content is both relevant and provides a great user experience. In the past, many businesses approached it as simply keyword stuffing, mentioning their keywords as many times as possible within the content.
Dynamic Website. The difference between static websites and dynamic websites is that static websites appear the same for every user that accesses them and only change when a developer modifies the source files, whereas dynamic websites can present different information to different visitors.