competitive analysis

Started by ushaa4n, September 22, 2016, 03:05:26 AM


What is the meant by competitive analysis in seo?


Competitive analysis is the process to check out your business competitor and analysis their strategy, keywords, backlinks, content etc. to boost your website.


Competitor analysis, also called competitive analysis, is the process of identifying competitors in your industry and researching their different marketing strategies. You can use this information as a point of comparison to identify your company's strengths and weaknesses relative to each competitor.


A competitor analysis, also referred to as a competitive analysis, is the process of identifying competitors in your industry and researching their different marketing strategies. You can use this information as a point of comparison to identify your company's strengths and weaknesses relative to each competitor.


Competitive analysis is the process of evaluating and comparing a company's strengths and weaknesses against those of its competitors to identify opportunities and threats in the market.

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