Difference between http and https?

Started by ankitasharma123, July 07, 2016, 01:56:16 AM


Http stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. It allows World Wide Web users to transferring information like image, text, video, music, graphic and other files on web pages. Http is basically used to access html pages and also other resources can be accessible using HTTP. 

HTTP is a request-response protocol in the client-server computing model. When you enter http:// in front of the address tells the browser to connect over HTTP. For example, when you enter a URL (http://www.abc.com) in your web browser, this sends an HTTP command to the Web server to fetch and transfer the requested web page. Here, your web browser is your client and your website host as a server.

Here is the fact of HTTP:
The Term HTTP is originated by Ted Nelson.
HTTP connections uses a port 80 by default.
HTTP URLs begin with "http://".
The first version of HTTP was introduced in 1991 that is HTTP V0.9.
HTTP V1.0 is specified in RFC 1945 that officially introduced and recognized in 1996.
HTTP V1.1 is specified in RFC 2616, and was released in January 1997.
HTTP V2.0 is specified in RFC 7540 and was published in May 2015

HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. HTTPS is a protocol which uses an encrypted HTTP connection by transport-layer security.

Sometimes, the clients may be exchanging private information with a server, which needs to be secured for preventing some hacking issue. For this reason, HTTPS was developed by Netscape Corporation to allow authorization and secured transactions.

Here is the fact of HTTP:
HTTPS uses a port 443 by default to transfer the information.
HTTPS URLs begin with "https://".
The HTTPS is first used in HTTPS V1.1 and defined in RFC 2616.

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