Explain what the hidden text is?

Started by Propertyseo2020, May 17, 2021, 08:27:07 AM



A set of Hidden text and links that are almost invisible or completely invisible to web page users but not to the search engines spiders. Hidden text is a form of distorted search engine spamming. It's an oldie way to build a page rank


Hidden text is computer text that is displayed in such a way as to be invisible or unreadable. Hidden text is most commonly achieved by setting the font colour to the same colour as the background, rendering the text invisible unless the user highlights it. Hidden text can serve several purposes


Hidden text is the textual content that search engines can read, but your visitors cannot read or see.


Hiding text or links in your content to manipulate Google's search rankings can be seen as deceptive and is a violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines.


Hiding text or links in your content to manipulate Google's search rankings can be seen as deceptive and is a violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines. Text (such as excessive keywords) can be hidden in several ways, including: Using white text on a white background.


Word hides text by using formatting marks—the same way you'd format text as bold or italic. Instead of removing the text, Word applies a formatting mark that means "don't display this text."


Hidden text is the textual content that search engines can read, but your visitors cannot read or see. It is also called Invisible or fake text. Using such text can improve the ranking of a page, but this technique is against the guidelines of search engines and is considered a black hat SEO technique.


Hidden text or links is the act of placing content on a page in a way solely to manipulate search engines and not to be easily viewable by human visitors. Examples of hidden text or links that violate our policies: Using white text on a white background. Hiding text behind an image.

rahul verma

Hidden text is computer text that is displayed in such a way as to be invisible or unreadable. Hidden text is most commonly achieved by setting the font colour to the same colour as the background, rendering the text invisible unless the user highlights it. Hidden text can serve several purposes.

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