How to grow your FB page..?

Started by sonamsharma, May 11, 2019, 02:14:00 AM


Build a following of people right in your target market and demographic. Grow your followers organically without spending a dime on Facebook advertising. Lay the foundation for a more engaged Facebook fan base. Build a tribe of people who want to help spread your marketing message.


Here are 20 strategies to boost your Facebook organic reach.

1: Build your presence & authority
2: Publish evergreen content
3: Create invite-only groups for your most engaged audience members
4: Use organic post targeting
5: Post when your competitors are asleep
6: Post more links or don't. Respect your audience's choice
7: Publish videos natively on Facebook
8: Test your posting frequency
9: Partner with other Facebook pages in your niche
10: Use advocacy to grow your brand
11: Let your email list do the tango
12: Run Contests
13: Share posts from your Facebook page on your Facebook profile
14: Grab attention and Inspire action with persuasive copy
15: Use hashtags the right way
16: Go against the grain to stand out
17: Take advantage of new updates to the Facebook app
18: How to run an effective Facebook boost post strategy and ad campaign
19: Harness the power of Facebook "dark posts"
20: Focus on providing value and don't worry about your reach


It is useless to grow your FB page. The only way you can grow it is by paying FB. I have a friend whose FB page crossed 10,000 likes. As soon as it did, FB closed her page saying she had violated their terms and she had not.