Selecting keywords for search engine optimization

Started by Webhelpforums, August 14, 2010, 12:55:44 PM


On page search engine optimization is how you select keywords and optimize your website content for them. You need to select keywords that are highly searched in popular search engines, but where competition at the same time is weak. You need to select keywords that also fit within your products and theme of website.

Classic search engine optimization would include ensuring the content of pages have keywords in titles, headers and content. However, even if done well,
the algorithms between search engines vary, and it is not sure you will score the same in e.g. Google and Yahoo.

Off page search engine optimization is where the big differences comes from. You will want to get backlinks (or inbound links if you will) to your website with anchor text matching the linked pages and website theme. This is also something you have to determine when comparing competition for a search phrase.

A keyword research tool can help you select optimal keywords, determine competition strength and optimize pages.
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Keyword is very important because it the only key where you can deliver instant traffic directly on your website. You should choose relevant keyword so that you can advertise you website legally. To get keyword popularity you should do keyword optimization like blogging.


Keywords are the most important SEO item for every search engine, actually they are what search strings are matched against.


of course keywords are important i use keyworddiscovery site for search mostly used keywords.


The tool I use is offered free by Google.  It let's me know how much traffic a keyword generates each month, and how competitive it is.  There are other keyword tools that cost money, but Google's tool has been so effective that I've never used anything else.


Choosing and researching good keywords is essential for the success of search engine optimization.  Selecting the keywords and key phrases that people type into search engines when they are looking for products or services is crucial since there is a high volume in the vocabulary. So targeting the more suitable and focused key words for your business's SEO is sensible.


selecting keywords are most important factor in search enginee optimization....


Keyword selection is very important for search engine. Targeted keyword may give us good business conversion as well as good amount of traffic. While wrong keyword, It is might possible to get traffic but you will not get good conversion.
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Arguably, keyword selection is the single most important stage in the entire optimization process. If you do not choose the correct keyword phrases you will not maximize your ROI on this campaign. I mention ROI and use it as a reminder that keyword selection is not necessarily about looking for the most searched phrases. A profitable optimization is one which produces the greatest return on investment for the time and money that are available to put towards it.


On page search engine optimization is how you select keywords and optimize your website content for them. You need to select keywords that are highly searched in popular search engines, but where competition at the same time is weak. You need to select keywords that also fit within your products and theme of website.

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