Title Tag

Started by ushaa4n, September 29, 2016, 02:39:34 AM


Why the Title Tag in website is valuable?

Williams Reus

Title tag matters a lot in SEO of any website because search engines indexes your website according the title tag and checks that is your title relevant to the content or not? Therefore title should be optimized and it should be under 55 characters.


Title tag helps to understand about the page. It also makes understand about the content.


The title tag is an HTML code tag that allows you to give a web page a title. This title can be found in the browser title bar, as well as in the search engine results pages (SERP). It's crucial to add and optimise your website's title tags, as they play an essential role in terms of organic ranking (SEO).


Title tags are important for various reasons. Title tags are a major factor in helping search engines understand what the page is about. Even more importantly, they help searchers understand the content on your page, which helps them choose the most appropriate result for whatever their query is.


Title Tags helps users and search engine crawlers to understand what about the page is. Here are the benefits of having title:
1. Increase the CTR
2. Help Search engine to categorize the page
3. Higher Rankings

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