What do you think about duplicate content?

Started by AllenSantiago, June 21, 2012, 03:23:57 AM


Hi All.....

I want to know exactly what duplicate content is. How do you define it? Suppose I write one article and put it on my blog as blog post for my readers and then share it on article directories, does it consider as duplicate content? Please guys help me to clear this doubt.


Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar.


Google spider's will find it and they will ban your website if you updated duplicate content on your website.

Sandeep Thakur

Duplicate content is content that you going to post but it is already online on anyone website.


Duplicate contents must be removed from the websites immediately because search engines are regularly updating their algorithms to punish the websites with duplicate and poor contents.


Duplicate content means content already exist online.
This will be give a bad impact for your site.


Duplicate content means such kind of content already available on the internet. In other word, it will be duplicate suppose one of the website have some contain if already such kind of content available on other website.

Alex Thompson

Duplicate content, is what none of Search Engine likes, so the best solution would be create unique content as per your Keywords, if any. Creating unique and quality content, will help you attain a good position in SERP.

Smitha Nayak

Google spider's will find it and they will ban your website if you updated duplicate content on your website.


Duplicate content is consider in Black Hat SEO. If you want a worthy site in the eyes of search engine then Content should be unique and fresh


Duplicate content makes a big reason of spamming due to which, you will lose your website ranking in search engine. So, avoid from duplications in your link building and also in your own website. Never use same content in your different pages of your website. Always use unique and natural content.

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