What is Alexa Rank ?

Started by Brian, July 05, 2012, 07:55:18 AM


Alexa rank is a global  metric to know how often a website open from a alexa enabled browser. What yo say?
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According to me Alexa ranking provides you a rough status of your site. The number on which your site is, is your alexa rank. Lesser the number is, better is the Alexa rank.

Saurabh Saxena

It is a simple algorithm that tracks the frequency of the top Internet websites and provides the information on risers, fallers, and those who stay strong in the top ten most popular sites.


it is very simple and easy site .i am doing Seo for my site but i am not got india rank .What ami doing for forther ?


Quote from: herixdevid on August 17, 2012, 02:41:39 AM
According to me Alexa ranking provides you a rough status of your site. The number on which your site is, is your alexa rank. Lesser the number is, better is the Alexa rank.

I am completely agree with you. 


Alexa rank is all about traffic, the lower Alexa rank of your site the higher traffic your site would have.
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hi,Alexa is a company that measures web traffic on almost every website on the internet through their increasingly popular toolbar plugin.Essentially, the way Alexa.com is measuring your website's traffic is one of the most unfair surveys around. Alexa.com toolbar installed or you need to have a widget displayed on your website.


Alexa ranking show us the present situation of the traffic.Less alexa shows that your site get high traffic day by day and high alexa opposite to less.


Alexa.com defines themselves as "the web information company," but to webmasters and bloggers, they are so much more. Essentially, Alexa is a company that measures web traffic on almost every website on the internet through their increasingly popular toolbar plugin. This becomes an important element in leveraging your blog's ranking as a sell point to advertisers, sponsors, buyers, readers and whoever else wants a piece of your material.


Alexa rank is the ranking which depends on the traffic.


Alexa ranking is about traffic to the site. Also the link popularity defines the alexa ranking. The domain age also a one of the consideration in alexa ranking. Alexa ranking is considered to be important for the person who make money online. All businesses that have taken up online marketing, aim at improving their conversion rate. Now, there are different ways of attracting targeted traffic. Some go for a good place in the SERPs, others like to know that their site receives heavy traffic.


AlexaRank is calculated using the Alexa Toolbar. Alexa takes the browsing data from the millions of people using the Toolbar and calculates the traffic ranking of each site. As Alexa states, while low traffic sites are harder to gauge accurately, once a site reaches a 100,000 or less ranking the accuracy of the measure increases.


Alexa Rank is a rank which gives the idea of a site's daily traffic. The lesser the Alexa rank of a site will be the more it would have traffic coming to it.


Hi everyone,
         Alexa is an online service that measures Internet traffic rankings for websites based on user data obtained from its custom toolbar and displays the data in comprehensive charts and graphs. :)


Alexa is an Amazon site, listing different sites, analysing their traffic and popularity. Alexa just ques the sites worldwide and regionwide. The number on which your site is, is your alexa rank. Lesser the number is, better is the Alexa rank.

eGrove Systems

Alexa rank is a tool created by Alexa.com to analyze how much traffic or page views of a website based on the number of visitors to install the Alexa toolbar on their browser. After that, the data will be collected and then ranked based on the traffic.


 Alexa ranking depend on your website visitor. low alexa rank is good thats mean you ve many visitor.


Alexa means - add quality content in your site: provide useful information in your site: provide information in your site which visitors of your site expect to find.
In this way, you will be able to increase your site's overall ranking in Search Engines: now your site will get more and more traffic: As the traffic to your site increases, your Alexa Ranking will increase too: by the way, what benefit are you expecting from a better Alexa Ranking.


Alexa rank is a tool created by Alexa.com to analyze how much traffic or page views of a website based on the number of visitors to install the Alexa toolbar on their browser.


Alexa Internet, Inc. is a California-based subsidiary company of Amazon.com that is known for its toolbar and website. ....

Alex Thompson

Alexa Rank is a relative measurement on how popular a web site among the Internet community. Alexa is relative because it depends on the data of Alexa Toolbar users.


Alexa rak is where it ranks the site by seeing the level of traffic each web site get from the user.


It is a simple algorithm that tracks the frequency of the top Internet websites and provides the information on risers, fallers, and those who stay strong in the top ten most popular sites.


Alexa rank is based on traffic, higher the traffic of your site, better Alexa rank you would get.

Seo gurgaon

Alexa rank is given by Alexa corporation for a site. It is given by considering the worldwide traffic on the site.
Alexa rank will be decrease with increasing of traffic on your site.


Very long time ago Alexa was measured a standard in site measurement from their toolbar site stat. The days of people installing toolbars have disappeared and Alexa has moved broader but their accuracy has never been particularly trusted and with the growth of other measurement services, they have become less and less utilized. You will find mentions of Alexa rank in selling and buying sites "in the trenches" but it is rarely brought up as a credible source in the broader marketing community.


Alexa ranking is based on traffic to the website as well as the link popularity defines the alexa ranking also. Alexa rank will decrease with increasing of traffic on your site.


Alexa Traffic Rank is a rough measure of a website's popularity, compared with all the others out there on the internet, taking into account both the number of visitors and the number of pages viewed on each visit.

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