What is Blog Roll?

Started by Alex Thompson, June 18, 2013, 03:43:58 AM

Alex Thompson

 What is Blog Roll? How we create it in blogging sites?


A list of hyperlinks to other blogs or websites. is called blogroll ...


Blogroll means list of blogs which is recommended by blog owner. And in blogs for more information for specific keywords it providers another blog link for depth knowledge of specific keywords. These every activity on blogs is considered as Blog Roll.

Smitha Nayak

A list of hyperlinks to other blogs or websites. is called blogroll ...


A blogroll is essentially just a list of links that appears in your sidebar.


A blogroll is a listing of other blogs that you either subscribe to or that you recommend. People often post a blogroll on their blog, either on the right- or left-hand side of the page. On the one hand, you may think that you're doing your readers a favor by pointing them in the direction of other resources that they may find useful, as well as creating more online traffic with cross-links, and the blogs that you recommend might end up getting more hits and therefore a higher page rank. On the other hand, if you want your readers to stay on your page, but you give them links to other pages, you may find them hopping off on a journey away from your blog.


Nice post. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


Quote from: NCrypted on July 19, 2013, 06:41:48 AM
Blogroll means list of blogs which is recommended by blog owner. And in blogs for more information for specific keywords it providers another blog link for depth knowledge of specific keywords. These every activity on blogs is considered as Blog Roll.

Exactly! Useful information

vishnu priya

A blogroll is a list of links on a blog, typically on the sidebar for easy access, that the blog writer likes and wants to promote.


A blogroll is a rundown of different online journals or sites that a blogger embraces, generally references or is associated with. A blogroll is for the most part found on one of the blog's side segments.


A blogroll is essentially just a list of links that appears in your sidebar. The term "blogroll" was originally used because it was a list of links to other blogs, but you can include links to any sites.

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