What is domaim age?

Started by Alex Thompson, June 20, 2013, 03:23:54 AM


A domain age refers to how long a given domain has been in use.


"Domain age" refers to how long a given domain has been in use. For example, a domain aged ten years in 2021 would have been initially activated in 2011. Search engines account for how long a domain has been in use as well as how long the website attached to the domain has been active.


When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), many factors can impact your website's search rankings. One such factor is domain age, which refers to the length of time a domain has been registered and active.


domain age refers to the length of time a domain name has been registered and active on the internet. It is a measure of how long a website has been in existence, and it can have an impact on the website's search engine rankings.

rahul verma

Simply put, domain age refers to the length of time a domain name has been registered and active on the internet. It is a measure of how long a website has been in existence, and it can have an impact on the website's search engine rankings.

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