What is Latent Semantic Indexing

Started by sneha1234, March 09, 2012, 03:35:58 AM


LSI indexing is to overcome the limitations of literal search term matching . LSI is based on the principle that words that are used in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings. LSI is its ability to extract the conceptual content of a body of text by establishing associations between those terms that occur in similar contexts.


When Google introduced Adsense, however, it soon became apparent to entrepreneurs that there was a lot of money to be made by generating web-pages specifically designed to display Adsense ads. Thousands of dollars could be made daily by generating thousands of pages, using template-based page generation software specifically designed for the purpose. Content duplication was rife and the websites themselves were of little or no use to the visitor who was presented with nothing more than Adsense adverts.


nice to read this brief note on Latent Semantic Indexing.


It is one kind of indexing algorithm for displaying search engine result pages through the LSI. LSI is the process of extracting information or content from your website that is called LSI. It contains occurrence of the keyword in the document.

Nichole Green

LSI is a technique to find out words with same meaning. Google try to find a relation between words in a given web page. Google use LSI to find out synonyms of a word. This way Google can know that this web page actually contain information about a particular theme and the web page is not just filled with few keywords. So, its good to use relevant keywords in the body text in accordance with the title tag.


Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a new concept that Google has began to employ and pioneer. It was originally used in Google's Ad sense program, as a way of seeing which adverts would be the most relevant on a particular site.  In basic and non-mathematical terms, is the ability for the search engine to search for websites on the internet the same way a human would.

Alex Thompson

LSI refers for latent semantic indexing. Actually it is the variation in keyword. When you do optimization for a particular keyword and you are making links from only this keyword, then Google consider it's as spamming. So we can using key phrases which contain keyword.


Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is an indexing and retrieval method that uses a mathematical technique called singular value decomposition to identify patterns in the relationships between the terms and concepts contained in an unstructured collection of text. LSI is based on the principle that words that are used in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings. A key feature of LSI is its ability to extract the conceptual content of a body of text by establishing associations between those terms that occur in similar contexts.

Smitha Nayak

It is one kind of indexing algorithm for displaying search engine result pages through the LSI. LSI is the process of extracting information or content from your website that is called LSI. It contains occurrence of the keyword in the document.

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