What is link wheeling?

Started by Alex Thompson, April 17, 2013, 02:35:57 AM

Alex Thompson

What is link wheeling and what is benefit of it.


Link wheel is the practice of black hat seo in which the website owner generate the several backlinks and link them to each other in a round section.


Link wheeling is one of the best strategy of SEO. It is the advanced link building strategy of Search Engine Optimization. Link Wheeling connects all quality links to be used for the effective optimization. The wheel concept tend to merge all links which can provide the website the higher rank in SER.


A link wheel joins all websites, links, and blogs and connects them to your website. This can improve your page ranking on the engine's search result page. Google SEO. A link wheel is a nifty little tool that can help you optimize your website for better search engine rankings.


A link wheel is a list of websites that you have created, designed to engage the natural emotional responses of the internet, attracting links, social shares, backlinks, and search engine optimization. In an attempt to rank higher on the search engine results pages


Link wheeling is an outdated and risky SEO technique involving interconnected links between multiple websites to manipulate search engine rankings.

rahul verma

Link wheeling is a black-hat SEO technique that attempts to manipulate search engine rankings through artificial link patterns. As such, it comes with significant drawbacks and risks.


A link wheel is a black hat SEO technique where you – as a business owner – create several sites and link them to each other in a round-robin fashion. They are purposefully and solely built to manipulate the rankings of a website, which is – pretty much – the textbook definition of Black Hat SEO.


A link wheel is a strategy used in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) where multiple websites or web pages are interlinked in a circular pattern. Each site or page links to another, creating a network that aims to boost the search engine rankings of all linked sites. The idea is to manipulate search engine algorithms by artificially creating links between websites to make them appear more authoritative and influential. However, link wheels can be seen as a black hat SEO technique and may result in penalties from search engines if detected, as they prioritize natural and organic linking patterns.

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