What is the difference between page rank and Search engine result page?

Started by Priyashree, August 23, 2022, 02:54:53 AM


Hi friends,
What is the difference between page rank and Search engine result page?


PageRank is the grade (1 to 10) your web page gets from headmaster Google. SERP is the position of your website in Google's search engine results based on a certain keyword combination.

Electrum IT Solutions

PageRank is a numeric value that reflects the importance of a page on the World Wide Web. You may also consider it as Google's rating or perhaps 'grade' for your webpage that starts from 1 and goes up to 10. However, on its own, PageRank doesn't carry much weight. It's something like the grade that the teacher endows you for a particular examination.

SERP, as you well know, stands for Search Engine Ranking Page. It usually concerns the (first) page of results that Google gives you in course of your search for a keyword or keyword combination.


PageRank is the grade (1 to 10) your web page gets from headmaster Google. SERP is the position of your website in Google's search engine results based on a certain keyword combination.


PageRank is the grade (1 to 10) your web page gets from headmaster Google. SERP is the position of your website in Google's search engine results based on a certain keyword combination.


PageRank is the grade (1 to 10) your web page gets from headmaster Google. SERP is the position of your website in Google's search engine results based on a certain keyword combination


PageRank is the grade (1 to 10) your web page gets from headmaster Google. SERP is the position of your website in Google's search engine results based on a certain keyword combination.


PageRank is the grade (1 to 10) your web page gets from headmaster Google. SERP is the position of your website in Google's search engine results based on a certain keyword combination.


PR is Page Rank which is defined by quality inbound links from other website or web-pages to a web page or website as well as say the importance of that site.
SERP stands for Search Engine Result Page is the placement of the website or web-page which is returned by search engine after a search query or attribute..

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