What is the effect of the NOODP and NOYDIR tags on the keyword ranking?

Started by anandiphone, May 02, 2012, 05:10:16 AM


By changing the meta data with the NOODP and NOYDIR will there be a noticeable improvement in the SERP?

Black Ninja

I dear,

Thanks to make this question.
I also looking answer of this question.  :)
Lots of SEO professionals use both (NOODP and NOYDIR ) tags in meta,s. what is effects of these tags on your site?


Sometimes, if you are listed in DMOZ (ODP), the search engines will display snippets of text about your site taken from them instead of your description meta tag. You can force the search engine to ignore the ODP information by including a robots meta tag like this: <meta name="robots" content="noodp" />.
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