What Is the Google Knowledge Graph?

Started by websitedesigningindelhi, January 26, 2023, 01:30:34 AM


Hi ......What Is the Google Knowledge Graph? How Google's search results sometimes show information that comes from our Knowledge Graph?


The Google Knowledge Graph is a system used by Google to understand and present information about people, places, and things in a more organized and useful way. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to extract and analyze information from a variety of sources, including Wikipedia, and other structured data sources, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a topic.


The Google Knowledge Graph is a knowledge that is based on information about entities, concepts, and their relationships to one another.
Google has its own way to shows the knowledge graph to the viewers, these are:
1. Knowledge Panel: This is a box of information that appears on the right-hand side of the search results page when you search for a specific entity.
2. Featured Snippets: Google may display information from the Knowledge Graph in a featured snippet at the top of the search results page whose position is 0.
3. Related Searches: When you search for a specific entity, Google may display a list of related searches at the bottom of the search results page.


Google Knowledge Graph is a huge information database. It enables Google to respond promptly and accurately to queries about real-world topics via search.
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