What is the latest update in SEO ?

Started by zinavo, April 01, 2017, 10:48:01 PM


"Google Fred" is latest Google Algorithm Update.

Tracey Wood

The latest update of Google for SEO is "Google Fred update", according to this update and sistrix analysis says "ad-heavy, thin-content sites hit worst".

Koupon Era

Yes, Google Fred is latest Google Algorithm Update in SEO...............


The latest update in SEO is Google Fred update. According to the latest Google Fred updates has to do with penalising content driven sites that are too inundated with ads and motivated by driving ad revenue where they become troublesome for users trying to view content.


thanks for sharing latest update in SEO for 2017....


Google said the techniques Fred went after specifically are mentioned in their webmaster guidelines.

Types of sites effected:

1   Shallow content
2   advertising heavy
3   Affiliate heavy
4   some local business sites


Google's Search Liaison Danny Sullivan confirmed via Twitter the release of a global broad core algorithm update. SEJ confirmed this update is particularly important and one of the biggest Google updates in years.

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