What is the latest update in SEO?

Started by Priyashree, August 03, 2022, 02:51:29 AM

Electrum IT Solutions

1. Expansive Core Algorithm Update

2. BERT Update

3. Dissident Update

4. Site Diversity Update

5. Google Mobile Speed Update

5. Google Mobile Speed Update


The 2020 Core Update was the last major update of 2020 and the first major update since May of that year. Like all of Google's core updates, the December 2020 core update was wide-reaching, impacting websites and SEO across all languages.


Core Web Vitals tops the list because not only has it been a ranking factor, it continues to become a stronger one each year. Core Web Vitals are a set of ranking factors that Google uses to see the overall experience of a user on a particular website.


Set A Good Keyword Research.
Optimize Your Content For Google.
Create Live Experiences.
Produce Interactive Content.
Create a Newsletter.
Use a Strategic Approach.
Use Optimized Images and Videos In Your Content.
Use Eye-Catching Headlines.

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