What will be your next steps if your SEO methods or technique does not work?

Started by SunshinePhysiotherapy, December 11, 2020, 12:34:44 AM

Maple Life

Hi Friends,

My first attempt would to try analysis the problem and resolve them step by step

Firstly I would try to see whether it is a new project, and then like to re-check the keywords.
Also, I would look for relevant keywords that can be helpful.
Even though the webpage and website have been indexed well and still not appearing on the first 10 pages of search engine result page, then I would make some changes in page text, titles, and description.
If the website is not indexed well or dropped from the index, then it might comprise serious issues, and re-work might be required.


So, if the SEO method doesn't work then do the following, First see whether it is a new project then re-check the keywords. Then look for relevant keywords that can be helpful. Make changes in page text, title and description.


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