Which is better SEO or PPC?

Started by Josephmikee, August 05, 2022, 02:19:56 AM

Electrum IT Solutions

PPC and SEO are two different methods of marketing and advertising that focus on generating traffic to a webpage. Between the two, PPC is more akin to a traditional advertising campaign in that it is paid for on a consistent basis and can be deployed fairly quickly.


SEO, on the other hand, takes significant time investment. Most SEO work looks very unlike traditional advertising. It focuses more on site maintenance and trust-building to naturally increase search rankings over time.


mprovements to SEO can help your website rank higher on Google Search by making it more relevant to users, while PPC ads like Google Ads are paid online advertisements which allow businesses and website owners like you to bid on the chance to show an ad next to searches on Google.com.


SEO and PPC Both have there own importance for organic improvement SEO is compulsory, Organic results are long lasting and its may take time.

on the other ppc will generate results in quick time, but result will shown untill you pay the search engine,


SEO is also more effective for local searches and can grow your online presence for longer. Pay-per-click (PPC), on the other hand, is an acquisition strategy that requires you to spend ad money to get your content in front of an audience when they search for specific keywords online.


SEO is also more effective for local searches and can grow your online presence for longer. Pay-per-click (PPC), on the other hand, is an acquisition strategy that requires you to spend ad money to get your content in front of an audience when they search for specific keywords online.


SEO is also more effective for local searches and can grow your online presence for longer. Pay-per-click (PPC), on the other hand, is an acquisition strategy that requires you to spend ad money to get your content in front of an audience when they search for specific keywords online.

Aiden Arthur

SEO and PPC are both good to generate traffic.But as compared to PPC,SEO is is better beacuse it takes some time to give result but once your keyword rank on top of the page then more organic traffic you can acquire.PPC is good for short term result.


If your goal is to increase traffic to your website in the short term, you may choose to focus on PPC advertising. If you want to improve your business' online presence in the long run, SEO is the answer. Or, devote your time and energy to SEO and PPC for a comprehensive strategy.


If your goal is to drive traffic to your site in the short term, you might choose to focus on PPC ads.
If you want to enhance your business's online presence in the long run, SEO is the answer.

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