Why impression is going down in google Webmaster tool?

Started by websitedesigningindelhi, January 08, 2021, 06:23:48 AM


Hi...........My Website impression is going down in Google Webmaster tool, i don't know why.....please suggest some solution to do and fix this problem to increase impression of my website in google Webmaster tool...Thanks

Maple Life

Hi Friends,

The reasons your impressions drop can vary so here goes: Searchers have changed the keyword being used to search for what your website offers, decrease in the keyword volume. This algorithm affects website with low-quality and thin content. Check your content and make sure it is relevant, unique and informational.


You can check the search volume of the keywords and choose the high Search Volume keywords


 If you made changes, and immediately afterward, your on-site impressions dropped, this "out-for-review" issue is likely the cause. Your gig will not be gaining impressions while it is under review.

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