Don't Make Money with Pinterest? YOUR FAULT!

Started by ergoprime, July 01, 2017, 12:06:22 PM


I spent some time in the forum and saw a bunch of threads about Pinterest, but not really a guide that explains how to get serious traffic from it. So I thought, why not share some of my knowledge and destroy common myths about Pinterest.

I think the most common mistakes that people make, when they create a new Pinterest Account to increase their Blog-Traffic or e-Commerce-Sales, is to believe that the amount of followers they have is important.

The truth is: Pinterest gives ZERO sh*t about your amount of followers. Don't believe me? Here take a look:

Only 253 of my 1500 follower even saw my pins this month on average. Here is a pic of my whole audience:

This account is around one month old and has a monthly reach of around 150.000 people. Now THAT'S a number!

The traffic is still small, but considering that I started to pin around two weeks ago I already see some nice traffic. And that's only THE BEGINNING!

I want to share with you some of my tricks and show you that Facebook isn't the only great Traffic-Source. In the following weeks I will publish some other threads that concentrate on other aspects of Pinterest.

Today you are going to learn how to grow your Pinterest Account the FAST way.

First things first, for all of you newbies who ask how to get this fine Analytic Tool to see your whole reach: Create a Pinterest business account.

I won't waste your time with a guide explaining how to apply for a business account, there are enough blogs and tutorials on the web showing it. But let me tell you one thing: You NEED a business account!

Not because it's cool or hip or legitimate for a business, you need it for the Analytic Tool and because you don't want to violate the Pinterest TOS. If you intend to make money with your account and promote your website, you will need a business account.

Now let's come to the part, where I explain my "secret technique", which isn't secret. Many successful Pinners use similar strategies. I am not the creative type so let's give it a practical name: "Main-Niche-Subniche-Strategy".

You all know that Pinterest is about creating boards and filling them with awesome and relevant pins. And that's what we gonna do, but the smart way!

Main-Board of Your Niche

First of all, you need to create a "main-board" that covers your general niche. As an example: If you are in the food niche, you are going to name your boards "Tasty Recipes".

You don't have to be very specific with the niche yet, but it needs to be able to cover everything that fits in your niche.

If your website is about chocolate recipes, then you would make a board that is called "Chocolate Recipes" as your main-board. I hope you get it...

Creating Your Niche-Boards

Now it's time to to create our "niche-boards". Your "niche-boards" should cover all important topics in your niche. Let's stay with the chocolate recipe website.

What are the different topics that exist in the chocolate recipe niche? Chocolate Cake Recipes, Chocolate Ice Cream Recipes, Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes and so on....

Create at least 5 niche-boards with around 3-4 Keywords of your niche in the board title.

Creating Your Subniche-Boards

After creating the niche-boards it's time for the subniche-boards. They go by the same concept. Create boards that are even more focused on one niche. 3 subniche-boards for every niche-board that your created.

Your subniche-boards should contain 5-6 Keywords that fit to the relevant niche-board that you created.

Here is how I find good keywords for my subniche-boards:

First you need to open Pinterest and search your niche-board keywords.

Now Pinterest is going to show you suggestions for your keywords. Beginning with the most popular on the left, to the less popular on the right.

Click on the suggestions to add additional keywords to your search.

After choosing a keyword new ones will appear. Continue until you have around 5-6 Keywords in your search. Use this keywords to create a subniche-board.

The Result

After the work is done, you should have at least 21 new boards. One main-board, 5 niche-boards and 3 subniche-boards for every niche-board you have. That means 15 subniche-boards.

The next step would be to optimize the boards and your profile for your keywords, but that's too much for one thread. I will make an additional thread for Pinterest SEO in the following weeks.

Now you have to fill the boards with related pins. You should repin around 2-3 pins per day per board.

What You NEED To Know!

I can assure you that you will see an increase in monthly reach up to 20.000 people per month even without further improvement. As you can see in my pics it's even possible to increase your reach to 150.000 people in one month.

You might think: "I am just gonna add more boards and pin more to achieve higher numbers. Easy peasy". But be aware!

If you pin too much Pinterest is likely to ban your account or at least to shadow ban it. Therefore decreasing your potential reach. I have recently lost an account after increasing the repin amount to around 90 pins per day, because Pinterest considered it as spam.

There are other ways to increase your reach without spamming Pinterest. I won't tell all of my tricks right now ;), but I will certainly share more in the coming weeks.

All in all, my upcoming threads for fast growth and traffic are going to include:

  • Method to post in 100 group boards PER DAY Without Being Banned
    Pinterest SEO Complete Guide
    Share Links in Pinterest Comments Without Being Banned
    How To Promote Your Pins the Right Way
    Creating Awesome Pins That People Really Share

Furthermore I am working on a method which could increase my monthly grow to 300.000 people per month. So stay alert!

One last tip for big numbers: You have to think outside the box :)